March 1, 2010


Hi there!  I am so excited about starting this blog about being encouraged as a momma!  I've felt like the Lord has been laying it on my heart for awhile.  I believe it is so important to have fellowship w/ other women who are in the same stage of life as yourself.  We can really learn from, inspire and encourage one another!  That's what my hope is for this blog.  When I come across resources, workshops, books, websites, activities, (and even recipes!) I will be sure to pass it along to you!  I named the blog Intentional Legacy because I believe we have to be intentional about what we want to teach our children....about the Lord, about life.    I want them to see me responding in faith, trusting in God's promises, reading His word throughout the week, showing forgiveness, praising His name, ministering to others.  I want my legacy to be a Godly one so my children can model Godliness for their children.

I would love to share w/ you a workshop I attended this past weekend in Dallas.  It was called the Mom Heart Conference with Sally Clarkson of Whole Heart Ministries.  So encouraging to my soul!  Here are some of the great things I came away with...
  • My children need to see in me what I want to see in them!  (convicting!!!)  We must show them our love for the Lord and our love for His Word. Our children need to see us living by faith!
  • My discipline needs to be consistent.  To train their will to be obedient I need to work on developing their conscience! I had honestly never thought much about that!  So, for ex., If my daughter disobeyed I might tell her to go sit on the stairs and I will be there in a few minutes to speak with her.  All the while, her little conscience is telling her right from wrong!
  • Enjoy life w/ my family!!! Set out candles on your table for dinner, use your "good" dishes, put out fresh flowers.  Make the time to have tea w/ your girls w/ some dishes you bought at a garage sale or the dollar store (just in case one gets dropped!).  Wear fancy boas and invite their dolls to join in!  With your boys, build a castle out of legos or go outdoors and have a scavenger hunt.  Make home a place your family LOVES to be!  Fill it with good smells of a nice candle or cookies baking in the oven...let them help!  Sally told us if we don't spend quality time w/ our children they won't respond to our discipline.
  • Inspire our kids!  Read to them, encourage their imagination!  Tell them, "maybe you'll become a great _______ !  Get their wheels turning of what they could be!
  • Praying...  pray specifically, creatively and confidently!  Ask your child if you may pray for them.  Then pray for them outloud.  Pray outloud, taking turns, on your way to school.  My girls love to practice their bible verses on the way to school.  It really is amazing how much they are able to memorize!
I plan to do at least one post a week, so please come back to visit!!!  Up Next...  a spotlight on my friend Sarah's character resources!

Be encouraged this week!  Changing the diaper at a time!!!!


  1. Kristin!!! What a great idea!! I needed these reminders and encouragements today. In fact, I've been working on one of mine with her tone of voice and just today have worked on talking to them with a smile on my face to model it for her. : ) Very convicting when you realize how much in yourself needs to be changed in order to demonstrate what you expect in their behavior. I look forward to visting your blog weekly (at LEAST!) and I'm going to list it on mine as a favorite too! Looking forward to reading more! You're an amazing mom---your children are BLESSED!!!

    One more thing... I love the layout and design! TOO FUN!

  2. LOVE IT and so excited. I can't wait to read more.

  3. What a fantstic idea! I really wanted to attend that workshop this weekend, but couldn't get my act together to make the 6 hour drive. I look forward to hearing more about what you've learned. I love Educating the Whole Hearted Child, and am currently reading The Ministry of Motherhood. Thanks so much for responding to the Lord's call in your life...blessed by you!

  4. Kristin-
    What an amazing Mommy of God you are! I am so blessed to have you in my life! Thank you for the encouragement and support! I can’t wait for the next post! God sure is awesome in the way he works in our lives, and being able to live life together as friends and sisters in God’s Glory is what life is all about! Love you girl and I am praying for this ministry that is blossoming through you!
    ~Ashley Isaacs

  5. Thanks so much- I'm adding your blog to my Google reader right now. :) I'll take all the encouragement I can get and this was so great! Thanks again!!
